DevLog SteamShock#01 - First Steps

This is a first devlog intended to portrait the current situation of the development of Steam Shock.

We are currently developing major artistics assets such as the First BGs, we also got a final look at our main character, and last the sprites for the character are also under development.  The first BG sets us on the ambientation of a Feudal Like Japan. Color decision for the character was on the belief it would make him stand out from the rest of the setting while not putting him out of the ambience.

Game wise, since most of the art assets are still in development, all orbited arround developing the major codes needed for the game, the whole movement of the character are already functioning ( needs polishing ), the enemy tracking of the player is also under devolpment, all colisions are working fine so far ( still needs more testing ) . As the next point we would also like to work arround the Camera movement regarding how close it will be to the player and try to work some smoothing so the camera doesn't seem stuck or to shaky. 

We are also developing the ideas for the first enemies, as well a name for our MC. 

The Story of the game is still under development but with some ground laid, our character is a Young kid, who lives in Japan with his dad, mom is unknown, father has a past of working for a corporation doing some shady researches,our character is supossedly one of the test subjects of one of these projects, but his dad ends up bonding with the kid and decides to leave the company with the kid and go into hiding in Japan. Years later when MC is already young, when returning home finds that the house was messed up and the father as missing. Suspicious of this situation, MC leaves in search of his dad. 

1 First Sketches of our MC. 

2. MC with Color

3. First BG Illustration

4.First Look on the Sprites of the MC

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